
General tao
General tao

Lao, with only Gohan's resemblance to Goku (and Gohan's confirmation that Goku was his father) preventing Tao from carrying it out.

general tao

Borbonne after he interfered with killing Mr. He retained his willingness to kill children even after being converted to a cyborg, as evidenced by his confirming he can deal with Gohan to Mr. He has absolutely no qualms in regards to murdering children, as evidenced when he made his sales pitch to the Red Ribbon Army that he was willing to "annihilate any man, woman, and child" as long as the price was right, his attempts at murdering the child Goku and when he states that Upa should be lucky that he even survived shortly after the latter attempted to avenge his father. Tao is shown to be extremely sadistic and evil in his actions, taking a lot of joy in killing people and not viewing his missions as just "jobs" but as a means to enjoy himself. In Dragon Ball: Mystical Adventure, his chang pao is blue. Despite this, he still dresses the same as he did when fully human. The only organic part left of Tao appears to be the lower half of his head from the nose down, as well as his human hair. In the dub, the kanji is translated as "Kill You", which carries the same implications of his job.Īfter being surgically altered into a Cyborg, the majority of Tao's body has been replaced with robotic components, with his head featuring a domed skullcap and telescoping cylindrical red eyes. He wears a pink chang pao (Chinese men's longcoat, also known as a changshan) with the kanji for satsu ("kill") on the front, pointing to his career as an assassin. Tao is an average-heighted man who, despite being several centuries old, appears as if he is still in his late 40's or early 50's, with small, beady eyes, a pointed nose, a small thin mustache, with black hair tied into a braided ponytail.

general tao

11 List of Characters Killed by Mercenary Tao.

General tao